Published Research

Nature of the Game

The Nature of the Game: Optimal Trade in an Imperfect Landscape

World trade is observed through a lens of aggregate actors, usually sovereign states, protecting or liberalizing access to their technology and endowments. Unfortunately, this is not consistent with a reality where actors or organizations can exert pressure on the institutional processes of governance (Chase 2008). This is a single scope survey of modern protectionism in …
MERICS China Global Competition Tracker No. 4_ARI Aff_Banach

MERICS: How China’s Belt and Road Projects are Shaping Global Trade

At the end of November, China’s Belt and Road Construction Leadership Group released a ten year plan for the next phase of the BRI. This comes a month after Beijing celebrated ten years of China’s Belt and Road Initiative by hosting the Third BRI Forum with attendees from 150 countries This special edition of the …
Women representation in plastic surgery across the globe_ A cross-sectional stud

Women representation in plastic surgery across the globe: A cross-sectional study

The alarm of women under-representation in surgery has been going off for decades.1 Even in plastic surgery, women have been under-represented among researchers, faculty members, and invited speakers. This study documents country-level female representation among first authors and publications in influential research outlets in plastic surgery. Diagnosing gender disparities across the globe is crucial in …
ABC nj density map

Associated Builders and Contractors Demographic Composition Study

Aletheia Research Institution leveraged its expertise in survey development and statistical analysis to investigate the demography of employees at member companies of the Associated Builders and Contractors New Jersey Chapter (ABC-NJ). The investigation combined ABC-NJ member data, publicly available demographic data and detailed profile data reported by a sample of ABC-NJ member companies (which included …
Academic Performance COVID19_ARI Working Papers_Goulas Wu

Stress Management and Academic Performance During Covid-19

To understand how college students managed stress related to the COVID-19 pandemic,we surveyed more than 300 students at a large public university in central Europe. We usean instrument designed to recover stress management techniques, as well as personality traitsand habits associated with stress and stress management. We identify 16 stress managementtechniques used during the COVID-19 …
ConferenceProceedings_ARI Aff_Banach Wu

Chinese Port Investments and Their Affects on Bilateral Trade

Abstract: Although the Belt and Road Initiative (BRI) was announced by thePeople’s Republic of China in 2013, its foundation has been under developmentfor over 15 years. The Go Out Policy, officially introduced in 1999, paved theway for relationships that would later become the BRI. The initiative has twoprimary components: the Silk Road Economic Belt (SREB) …